Directions to the shop
Though our address is 1393 North Highland Avenue, we are actually located behind the shops that face N. Highland (Highland Runners, Highland Diamond). You can access us from N. Highland Avenue by a driveway found to the right of Highland Diamond.
You can also access us off of Lanier Blvd. You'll first see Pierce Chiropractors on the right as you pull into the parking lot. Look straight ahead and you'll see the side of our building with a beautiful mural. Keep driving through the first parking lot, even though it looks like the driveway ends. It continues and you can park just steps away from our front door. Please call us if you have any trouble finding us!
Telephone: 404.228.3260
The view from Lanier Blvd. access. See the side of Casseroles straight ahead in the photo. Additional parking lot in front of the shop…keep on driving through this first parking lot.